Protocol of Wushu Taolu Competition 武术套路竞赛礼仪

抱拳礼:并步站立,掌右拳在胸前相指根线与右相 齐),与胸齐,拳、掌胸间距离2030厘米

1.1 Fist-Palm Salute
In a standing position with feet together, place the right fist against the upright left palm, with the formers knuckles at the root of the latters fingers, in front of and 20-30cm away from the chest.

抱刀礼:并步站立,手抱刀,屈臂抬使刀横于胸前,上;右成掌,以掌心附左手拇指第一指上,高与胸齐,与 胸间距2030厘米。

1.2 Salute with Broadsword
In a standing position with feet together and the broadsword held in the left hand, bend the elbow to place the broadsword across the chest with the sharp edge facing up, the first joint of the left thumb in contact with the center of the right palm and the two hands 20-30 cm away from the chest.

持剑礼:并步站立,左手持,屈臂抬起使剑贴前臂外侧斜横 于胸前右手成掌,以掌沿附于左手食指节,高与胸齐,与 胸间距2030

1.3 Salute with Sword
In a standing position with feet together and the sword held in the left hand, bend the elbow to bring up the blade across the chest and close to the outside of the forearm, with the ulnar side of the right palm at the root of the left index finger and the two hands 20-30 cm away from the chest.

持枪(棍)礼:并步站立,手持枪(棍)把(靠把端三分之 一处)屈臂置于胸前,(棍)身直立;手成掌,附于右指 第二指上,与胸间20-30厘米。

1.4 Salute with Spear or Cudgel
In a standing position with feet together and both arms bent at elbow in front of the chest, hold the spear or cudgel erect in the right hand at one-third of the length from the butt or end, while the left palm is placed on the second joint of the right thumb, with the two hands 20-30 cm away from the chest

Fist-Palm Salute
Salute With
           Salute with
Salute with Spear or Cudgel


1. For routines with double apparatus, the latter should be held in one hand for a salute with  broadsword, sword, spear or cudgel. If this is impractical, hold the apparatus in both hands and look at the head judge, by way of a salute with eyes.

2. When an official wants to inspect an apparatus, the competitor should hand it upright to him, with the tip pointing downward in case of a short apparatus, and upward in case of a long one.

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